Prepositions can be tricky, especially when certain verbs must be followed by a specific one to sound natural. One common preposition that follows many verbs is "with." In this guide, we’ll explore a list of verbs that are commonly followed by "with" and provide examples to help you use them correctly. We will do this by looking at example sentences that show common mistakes and the correct versions.
1. Agree/Disagree with ❌ I agree his opinion. ✅ I agree with his opinion. ❌ I disagree you on that point. ✅ I disagree with you on that point. 2. Associate with / associate something with ❌ He often associates successful entrepreneurs and industry leaders. ✅ He often associates with successful entrepreneurs and industry leaders. ❌ Many people associate success money. ✅ Many people associate success with money. 3. Argue with ❌ She argued her brother about the TV show. ✅ She argued with her brother about the TV show. 4. Compare with ❌ If you compare this product another brand, you’ll see the difference. ✅ If you compare this product with another brand, you’ll see the difference. 5. Sympathize with ❌ As a former business owner, I can sympathize her situation. ✅ As a former business owner, I can sympathize with her situation. 6. Collide with ❌ The car collided a truck. ✅ The car collided with a truck. 7. Cooperate with ❌ The team cooperated other departments to finish the project. ✅ The team cooperated with other departments to finish the project. 8. Deal with ❌ He knows how to deal this kind of issue. ✅ He knows how to deal with this kind of issue. 9. Interfere with ❌ Don't interfere my work! ✅ Don't interfere with my work! 10. Communicate with ❌ He made sure to communicate regularly even former clients. ✅ He made sure to communicate regularly even with former clients. 11. Provide (somebody) with (something) ❌ The teacher provided the students necessary materials. ✅ The teacher provided the students with necessary materials. 12. Charge with (used in legal contexts) ❌ He was charged robbery. ✅ He was charged with robbery. As you’ve seen, many common verbs naturally pair with "with," and using the wrong preposition can lead to confusing or awkward sentences. The best way to get comfortable with these patterns is through practice—try using them in your daily conversations or writing.
Indefinite pronouns are words that refer to nonspecific people or things. Some indefinite pronouns are singular, some are plural, and some can be both, depending on the context. The verb must agree in number with the indefinite pronoun. Indefinite Pronouns and Verb Agreement 1. Singular indefinite pronouns always take a singular verb.
2. Plural indefinite pronouns always take a plural verb
3. Indefinite pronouns that can be singular or plural:
Common Learner Errors:
Here's a quick summary: Practice Exercises: A. Choose the correct verb: 1. Each of the students (is/are) responsible for their own work. 2. Both of the dogs (barks/bark) loudly. 3. Some of the dye (is/are) leaking from the bottle. 4. Nobody (was/were) at the door. 5. Most of the participants (has/have) given their feedback . B. Correct the errors in the following sentences: 1. Everybody are welcome to submit an essay. 2. None of the participants is ready. 3. Many of the pots is broken. 4. Any leftover food are discarded. 5. Some of the butter are melting. Answers:
A. Choose the correct verb: 1. Each of the students is responsible for their own work. 2. Both of the dogs bark loudly. 3. Some of the dye is leaking from the bottle. 4. Nobody was at the door. 5. Most of the participants have given their feedback . B. Correct the errors in the following sentences: 1. Everybody [is] welcome to submit an essay. 2. None of the participants [are] ready. 3. Many of the pots [are] broken. 4. Any leftover food [is] discarded. 5. Some of the butter [is] melting. In the sentence "He expects to promote next year," the error is in the verb "promote." The intended meaning is that he expects to be promoted (to receive a promotion), but "promote" here is incorrectly used as an active verb, which implies that he would be promoting someone else. However, he is the one who is expected to receive the promotion, so the passive form "to be promoted" should be used:
Many English learners confuse verbs that imply receiving an action (passive meaning) with those that imply doing an action (active meaning). This often occurs with verbs that describe actions being done to a person, such as "promote," "appoint," "select," or "invite." These verbs typically require the passive voice when the subject is receiving the action or when an action that is done to the subject rather than by the subject. How to Make the Passive Voice The passive voice is commonly structured as follows:
Then what is "to be" + past participle? This is called the passive infinitive, and it is commonly used to express expectations, desires, and obligations.
More Examples of This Common Error with Passive Verbs: 1. Incorrect: She hopes to appoint as team leader.
2. Incorrect: They want to select for the project.
3. Incorrect: I invited to the ceremony last year.
4. Incorrect: He hopes to recognize for his achievements.
5. Incorrect: Edith assigned to a new role.
6. Incorrect: The report needs to finish by Friday.
In each corrected sentence, the passive form is used to show that the subject is receiving the action, not performing it. Using the passive form makes the sentences both grammatically correct and clearer in meaning. Grammar Exercise. Correct the errors in the following sentences. 1. The author wants to remember as sharp and quick-witted. 2. The recommendations need to submit next month. 3. The sculpture stolen by an unknown guest last night. 4. Those trees brought down by the strong hurricane a few weeks ago. 5. Amy expects to praise for doing a great job. _________________ Answers (jumbled) 3. The sculpture was stolen by an unknown guest last night. 5. Amy expects to be praised for doing a great job. 2. The recommendations need to be submitted next month. 4. Those trees were brought down by the strong hurricane a few weeks ago. 1. The author wants to be remembered as sharp and quick-witted. Question: What is the error in the sentence, "This flash drive is contain the files you need"? The error in "This flash drive is contain the files you need" is the incorrect addition of an extra "be" verb, specifically "is," which is unnecessary and grammatically incorrect in this sentence structure. Many English learners mistakenly add an extra "be" verb (like "is") when forming sentences, especially when using verbs like "contain," "consist," "include," and "belong," which are commonly misinterpreted as needing auxiliary verbs. In English, verbs stand alone in the simple present tense without needing an auxiliary verb as long as the sentence is not negative and is not a question. The verb "contain" is one of these verbs. When we say "This flash drive contains the files you need," the verb "contains" is in the simple present form, which already expresses the intended meaning without needing an extra "be" verb. Adding "is" in front of "contain" mistakenly forms a structure that would typically only be correct in the present continuous tense (e.g., "is containing"), but "contain" is rarely used in the continuous form, as it describes a state rather than an ongoing action. The correct sentence then is:
Common Verbs That Often Lead to This Error Here are a few more examples of state or stative verbs that learners sometimes incorrectly pair with "be":
✅"This book belongs to me."
✅ "The team consists of experts."
✅ "The report includes the findings."
✅ "She owns a car."
✅ "He has two dogs." The main takeaway for English learners is to avoid adding an extra "be" verb with verbs that already describe a complete state or condition in the simple present form. Exercise -- Find and correct the error in the following sentences: 1. Don is prefer the blue shelves to the black ones. 2. This tool is measure the humidity inside this room. 3. They are recognize the seriousness of this situation. 4. My dog is always know the sound of my voice. 5. I am remember the names of everyone in my class. ____________________________________ Answers (jumbled): 3. They recognize the seriousness of this situation. 1. Don prefers the blue shelves to the black ones. 4. My dog always knows the sound of my voice. 2. This tool measures the humidity inside this room. 5. I remember the names of everyone in my class. What Are Rejoinders?
Rejoinders are quick responses or replies to somebody's statement or question in a conversation. They help to keep the conversation flowing, to show interest, give a reaction, or to provide clarification. Rejoinders can be brief comments, questions, or even expressions of surprise or agreement. They are crucial for showing that you are listening actively. Here's a list of commonly used rejoinders: 1. Expressing interest:
Here’s how they can be used in a dialogue: Sally: "I went to the new restaurant downtown last night." James: "Really? How was it?" Sally: "The food was amazing, but it was a bit expensive." James: "I see. What did you order?" Sally: "I had the steak, and my friend had the pasta." James: "Sounds delicious. Would you go there again?" Sally: Only if I'm in the mood for steak, but otherwise, I'd look for somewhere more affordable. James: Yeah, I know what you mean. As an English learner, you can use these expressions to show interest, be more interactive, and respond naturally in English. If you want to see more real-life examples of these expressions, try listening to popular podcasts or talk shows and actively notice when either the host or the guests use rejoinders. If you hear new ones that are not on this list, note them down in your own list or share them in the comments so that others can learn, too. Nervousness is a common feeling that everyone experiences at some point, whether it’s before a big presentation, a job interview, or a major life event. There are various expressions in English to describe this state of mind, each used in certain contexts. Let's explore some common phrases that people use to express nervousness. 1. To be a nervous wreck - This idiom means to be extremely anxious or worried, often to the point of being visibly upset or unable to function normally.
2. To have butterflies in one's stomach - This phrase describes the fluttery feeling in the stomach that often accompanies nervousness or anxiety.
3. To be on edge - Being on edge means feeling tense, anxious, or irritable, often because someone is anticipating that something bad may happen.
4. To have or get (the) jitters - Having the jitters or getting the jitters refers to feeling nervous, often in a way that makes one feel physically shaky.
5. To be a bundle of nerves/to suffer from nerves - These two expressions describe being very nervous, usually in a way that makes someone feel tense and restless. Take note that the word 'nerves' in this context refers to worry or anxiety.
6. To lose one's nerve - If someone loses their nerve, they panic and become too afraid to do something that they were about to do. 'Nerve' in this expression would mean courage or confidence = to lose one's courage.
7. To sweat bullets - This idiom means to be extremely nervous or anxious, often causing physical symptoms like sweating, especially having large beads of sweat on your face and skin.
8. To have one’s heart in one’s mouth - This phrase describes the sensation of extreme nervousness or fear, where it feels like your heart is pounding in your throat.
9. To be a 'Nervous Nellie' - A Nervous Nellie is someone who is excessively worried or anxious about things, often more than is necessary.
10. To get cold feet - This expression is used when someone feels nervous and frightened, often just before doing something that he or she had planned to do. It is similar to the previous expression "to lose one's nerve."
How about the opposite? Of course a discussion about nervousness wouldn't be complete without phrases to talk about the opposite which is staying calm and collected. Here are some expressions for that: 1. To calm or steady one's nerves - This means to make someone feel calmer or less nervous.
2. To keep or hold one's nerve/s - This phrase describes remaining calm and composed in a difficult situation.
3. To get ahold of oneself - This expression emphasizes getting control of ones' emotions after a big shock or after being upset.
Whether you are a nervous wreck or just have a few butterflies in your stomach, it would be to your advantage to try to calm down and get ahold of your emotions. Try out these phrases when describing the intensity and nature of your anxiety to others. Practicing these expressions will express your emotions more vividly and surely goes beyond just saying "I'm nervous." Image by cookie_studio on Freepik
Hedging is using certain words or phrases to make statements less direct or less forceful. It is about softening language to be more polite or to sound more cautious. By using hedges, speakers can express themselves in a way that doesn't sound too blunt or aggressive, and will make the other person more likely to listen and respond.
Here are some common ways of hedging in sentences: 1. Using modal verbs of possibility such as can, could, may, and might
2. Using qualifiers - Qualifiers are words that either limit or intensify the meaning of other words. Using qualifiers allows you to express the degree of certainty in your ideas, from being 100% certain to being undecided. Qualifiers that limit or decrease intensity: slightly, somewhat, a bit, a little, just a little, kind of, sort of, rather, relatively, moderately, marginally, barely Qualifiers that enhance or intensify: very, really, a lot, a great deal, too, extreme/extremely, total/totally, complete/completely, exceptional/exceptionally, significant/significantly, etc. Qualifiers are used both formally (Early results suggest that....) or informally (I kinda believe more in X...). In the case of hedging, it is the qualifiers that limit meaning that are particularly useful.
3. Using adverbs - A lot of the qualifiers mentioned above are already adverbs but here are other examples of specifically using adverbs to add subtlety your sentences.
4. Phrases
Why Hedging Makes Your English Better 1. It can make you sound more polite. Using hedges can make your language less direct and therefore more polite. This is especially important in English, where direct statements can sometimes come across as rude or too strong. By using hedging, you can avoid making statements that sound absolute, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings. For example, saying "I think we might need to reconsider our approach" is more polite than "We should change our approach." 2. It helps you to practice diplomacy. Diplomacy simply means dealing with people without offending or upsetting them. Hedging helps especially in situations where you need to give feedback or disagree without offending the other person. Instead of saying, "Your idea won't work..." you can say, "I'm not sure if this idea will work because..." or "This idea might not work because..." 3. It helps to express uncertainty without losing your authority. When you are not entirely sure about something, hedging allows you to express your uncertainty and still sound professional. This is useful in academic and work contexts wherein people have to be careful about the accuracy or information that they put out because it could seriously affect their credibility and reputation. For example, "Current research suggests that there might be a correlation..." shows caution and acknowledges the possibility of other interpretations. 4. It allows for flexibility in expressing opinions. Hedging allows you to state your opinions without appearing rigid or intolerant of others' viewpoints. This is helpful in discussions and debates where flexibility is needed. Saying, "It seems that this solution is more effective..." still leaves room for others to say what they think and to contribute other ideas that may be different or may even be the opposite of what you're suggesting. Hedging is an essential aspect of effective communication in English, especially in the workplace. It helps you to be polite, diplomatic, and cautious, making your statements sound more considerate and thoughtful. By learning to use hedges both in your everyday conversations and in formal discussions, you can improve your ability to express uncertainty, give feedback gently, and engage in discussions more effectively. "Congratulations" is a word used to express joy, pride, or approval when someone achieves something significant or reaches a milestone. The Cambridge Dictionary defines "congratulations" as "an expression communicating to someone how pleased you are about his or her success or happiness."
Note: The plural "Congratulations" with an -s is used 99% of the time--unless you're writing or saying a phrase like "a note of congratulation"--because, as one author said, why be stingy with just one 'congratulation'? Understandably, because there are many occasions and causes for people to find success or happiness, English learners tend to get confused about when they can say "Congratulations!" For example, I sometimes see comments on YouTube videos around the likes of "Great video! Congratulations!" Someone once sent me a greeting on Teacher's Day with the message of "Happy Teacher's Day! Congratulations!" While I sincerely appreciated the message, and also recognize that people who leave "congratulations" in YouTube comments are sincerely sending well-wishes, I've realized that learners have mistakenly understood "Congratulations" as an all-around remark to express admiration or satisfaction, which is not really the proper use of this word. Let's then look at when it is appropriate to say "Congratulations" as well as when it NOT proper to do so. Appropriate Occasions to Say "Congratulations" 1. Academic Achievements:
2. Professional Milestones:
3. Personal Achievements:
4. Awards and Competitions:
When NOT to Say "Congratulations" 1. Don't use "congratulations" as an all-around happy greeting.
2. Don't use "congratulations" in sensitive situations such as:
Anything involving manners and etiquette requires sensitivity and even more so when dealing with different cultures and speaking in another language. Hopefully, this article was helpful in at least sorting out when it is proper to say "congratulations." Please feel free to leave a comment if you have questions.
Because we all get sick or suffer from some sort of emotional or physical adversity no matter our status in life, talking about hope and recovery is something we frequently do. There will also be lots of moments when we need to comfort friends and loved ones who are experiencing some setbacks. Here’s a look at some common idioms around the topic of hope, being positive or about things getting better.
1. Things are looking up When someone says "things are looking up," they mean that the situation is improving. This idiom is often used after a period of difficulty, suggesting that better times are on the horizon. Example: "After a tough year, things are finally looking up for the company." 2. To have come a long way If you say that someone has come a long way, it means that they have made a lot of progress compared to when they first started. It could also mean that they have become really successful. Example: "From her beginnings just selling cookies to neighbors from her small kitchen, to now operating five bakeries in different cities, she has indeed come a long way." 3. To be back on one's feet A person who gets back on their feet becomes healthy again after an illness or injury, especially if they are able to walk again or just physically able to move around. This expression can also be used to talk about recoveries in general, such as that of the economy or an industry. Example: "Grandma can't wait to get back on her feet and tending to her vegetable garden after a bout with pneumonia." 4. To turn the corner "To turn the corner" means to pass a critical point in a process and begin to improve. It suggests that the worst is over and things will get better. Example: "After the surgery, she’s finally turning the corner and starting to feel better." 5. To be on the mend This idiom is more often used when talking about health but it can be applied to any situation that is improving after a setback. It implies a gradual process of recovery. Example: "He’s been on the mend since the accident and hopes to be back at work soon." 6. To get one's groove back This means to start to be happy, confident, or moving forward again after a difficult period. Example: "I am slowly getting my groove back and starting again after having to close my business last year." 7. To look on the bright side Encouraging someone to "look on the bright side" means advising them to focus on the positive aspects of a situation rather than the negatives. Example: "I know the vacation was canceled, but look on the bright side: we can save money for a bigger trip next year." 8. To see the light at the end of the tunnel This idiom suggests that a difficult or unpleasant situation is nearing an end, and that some improvement is expected to happen soon. It's like seeing a distant light after being in a dark tunnel, providing hope that the hard times will soon be over. Example: "After months of recovery and therapy, she finally sees the light at the end of the tunnel." 9. "Hang in there" To "hang in there" means to remain persistent despite difficult circumstances. This expression is said by itself as a form of encouragement to tell someone not to give up. Example: "The first few weeks on the job will be challenging but hang in there, keep learning how things are done, and you'll soon get more confident." 10. On the up and up When something is "on the up and up," it means it is steadily improving or becoming more successful. It’s often used in the context of business or personal progress. Example: "Tourism is on the up and up, helping local restaurants and hotels to recover from the pandemic." 11. A silver lining A "silver lining" refers to a positive aspect of a bad situation. This idiom encourages people to find something good even when experiencing something difficult. Example: "Losing the job was hard, but the silver lining is that he now has time to pursue his passion." These idioms can add color to our language and also serve as reminders to stay hopeful and positive. Whether we’re facing personal challenges or professional setbacks, these expressions help us voice out the belief that better days are ahead. So the next time you find yourself or someone else in need of a little optimism, try out these idioms and share some positivity. When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is." Money is a central aspect of daily life, and naturally, there are as many idioms around it as there are sayings and jokes, although it's hard to tell if Oscar Wilde was joking or being wry (humorously sarcastic) when he said the words above. Anyhow, money idioms provide colorful and vivid ways to talk about financial situations, spending habits, and economic principles.
Here’s a look at some common idioms related to money and their meanings: 1. To break the bank Meaning: To spend more money than one can afford. Example: "We can go out for dinner, but let's not go anywhere that will break the bank." 2. To burn a hole in your pocket Meaning: When someone is very eager to spend money. Example: "That bonus is burning a hole in his pocket; he’s already planning to buy a new car." 3. A cash cow Meaning: A business or product that generates a steady, reliable stream of income. Example: "The new smartphone model has become the company’s cash cow." 4. To pay through the nose Meaning: To pay a lot of money for something. Example: "They paid through the nose for their new apartment in the city center." 5. Old money Meaning: People whose families have been rich for a long time; people who have inherited wealth Example: "They paid through the nose for their new apartment in the city center." 6. To pay top dollar Meaning: To pay a lot of money, especially the highest possible price, for something Example: "In a recession, it gets harder to find customers who are willing to pay top dollar for this kind of personalized product." 7. To foot the bill Meaning: To pay for something, usually something expensive. Example: "He generously offered to foot the bill for the entire dinner." 8. (To build) a nest egg Meaning: Savings that are set aside for future use, especially for retirement. Example: "She’s been building up a nest egg for years so she can afford to take a break and think about what's next in her career." 9. To throw money down the drain Meaning: To waste money or spend it carelessly Example: "Buying expensive clothes that you never wear is throwing money down the drain." 10. To throw money around Meaning: To spend money, especially in an obvious and careless way, on things that are not necessary Example: "Companies can no longer throw money around and spend lavishly on high-profile company gatherings just for publicity. 11. To throw money at something Meaning: To try to solve a problem by spending a lot of money on it but without really doing more thoughtful and practical things to improve it Example: "Because this problem is caused by many flaws in the system, we can't expect to solve it just by throwing money at it." 12. To cost an arm and a leg Meaning: To be very expensive. Example: "Their much publicized wedding ceremony cost an arm and a leg." 13. To bring home the bacon Meaning: To earn money to support a family; to achieve success Examples: "Being the only athlete from his country to compete in this sport, he felt so much pressure to bring home the bacon." "Both parents need to work hard to bring home the bacon in today's economy." 14. To go Dutch Meaning: To go somewhere as a group but with each person paying for his or her own meal, ticket, etc. Example: "People resisted the idea of going to the sushi restaurant until I suggested that we just go Dutch, after which mostly everyone agreed." 15. To have deep pockets Meaning: To have a lot of money or to be really wealthy Example: "I heard they travel abroad as much as five to six times a year. They must have deep pockets." 16. To make ends meet Meaning: To have just enough money to pay for the things that you need. Example: "We struggled to make ends meet when we lived in the city center and had to pay expensive rent." Try to make your own sentences using these idioms but remember that idioms are fixed expressions so we cannot usually alter them in terms of word order or with synonyms. It's worth noting as well, that idioms are used sparingly--you're not expected to use an idiom in every sentence because that would really make you sound strange. To sum up, using these expressions can not only enhance your fluency but will also boost your comprehension of the language, making your communication more engaging. To "recommend" something is to suggest that it is good, suitable, or beneficial. It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts.
First let's look at the most common patterns that are used when using the word recommend, and then we'll look at frequent learner errors when using this word. 1. Basic Sentence Structure
2. Using "recommend" with gerunds (verb + -ing)
3. Recommend someone/something for a purpose
4. Indirect Recommendations When not addressing someone directly, you can phrase it like this:
Common Errors and How to Avoid Them 1. Incorrect verb form after "that"
2. Omitting the object
3. Adding "me" or "to me" Unnecessarily
4. Using "for" instead of "to" when addressing someone
Quick Tips
Image by master1305 on Freepik Phrasal verbs are special phrases made by combining a verb (the action word) with one or more little words called particles. These particles can be prepositions or adverbs, like "up," "down," "in," or "out." When we put them together, we get new meanings that aren't always easy to guess.
Phrasal verbs are very common in spoken English wherein we often use shorter, more casual expressions to express ideas more efficiently, which is crucial in fast-paced conversations. Below are some of the phrasal verbs that are frequently used whenever we are talking about how we relate to other people. 1. Get along (with someone) - To have a good relationship or rapport (pronounced as /ra-pawr/) with someone.
2. Make up (with someone) - To reconcile or resolve a conflict with someone.
3. Break up (with someone) - To end a romantic relationship with someone.
4. Fall for (someone) - To develop strong romantic feelings for someone.
1. Fall apart: To disintegrate or break into pieces.
This phrasal verb can also be used figuratively to describe when people break down or lose control of their emotions.
2. Fall down: To collapse or fall to the ground.
3. Fall for: To be deceived or tricked by someone or something.
4. Fall in: To collapse inward or cave in.
6. Fall out: To have a disagreement or argument with someone which ends the relationship.
7. Fall over: To lose balance and tip or roll over.
8. Fall through: To fail to happen or materialize as planned.
9. Fall under: To be categorized or included in a particular group or classification.
10. Fall back on: To resort to something as a backup or alternative plan.
Idioms are already a confusing part for any language learner. Adding to this perplexity are idioms that sound very much alike such as, "to run circles around someone" and "to run around in circles." They might sound similar at first, but they hold distinct meanings and are used in different contexts. In this article, we'll untangle these idioms and provide examples to illustrate their differences. 1. "To Run Circles Around Someone" When someone is said to "run circles around someone," it means that they show a remarkable level of skill, competence, or ability in comparison to another person. This idiom underscores the superiority or dominance of one individual over another in a specific skill or activity. It is often used to highlight the vast difference in capability between the two parties. Examples:
2. "To Run Around in Circles" Conversely, "to run around in circles" describes a situation where people or activities appear to be busy but lack purpose, direction, or progress. It conveys a sense of aimlessness, confusion, or inefficiency. When individuals or groups are said to be running around in circles, they may be doing or talking about the same thing without achieving meaningful results. Examples:
In summary, while both idioms involve the concept of "circles," they convey entirely different meanings and are used to describe distinct scenarios:
"To run circles around someone" praises exceptional competence and skill, highlighting one person's superiority over another in a particular area. "To run around in circles" depicts a state of disorganization or aimlessness, where people appear busy but make little or no progress. Understanding the nuances of idiomatic expressions like these can greatly enhance your ability to communicate effectively in English. So, next time you hear these idioms, you'll be able to run circles around any potential confusion regarding their meanings! What are phrasal verbs?Phrasal verbs are phrases consisting of a verb and another element such as an adverb or a preposition, or both, and has a meaning that differs from the meaning of its separate parts.
Phrasal verbs are very commonly used in spoken language and presents a challenge for many non-native speakers, especially since many phrasal verbs use the same verb but only change the particle (the preposition or adverb) and then mean something totally different. Additionally, phrasal verbs, just like normal words, can have more than one meaning. Here is a list of common phrasal verbs used in the workplace as well as related phrasal verbs that can be confused with them: 1. to take on (something) or to take (something) on Meaning: a. to accept a job or responsibility, especially one that is challenging or difficult Examples:
b. to fight or compete against someone or something
2. to look into (something) Meaning: to examine or carefully consider the facts about a situation, problem or idea
3. to turn (someone/something) down Meaning: to reject or say no to someone; to refuse someone's offer or request
4. to get ahead Meaning: to be successful in the work that you do, or in society in general; to make progress, especially more than others have done
5. to step down Meaning: to give up a job or position; to resign from a position, usually in order to let someone else take their place
6. gear to/towards; to gear (something) to/towards/for somebody or something; to be geared towards (passive verb) Meaning: - to design or organize something so that it is suitable for a specific purpose, situation, or group; - designed in order to achieve a particular purpose
7. to squeeze (somebody/something) in Meaning: to manage to do something even when you are very busy or don't have enough time;
8. to cut something back / to cut back (on) something Meaning: to reduce something; to spend less, use less, or do less, of something
9. to wrap up something / to wrap something up Meaning: - to complete something successfully; - to settle the final details of a job or an agreement in a satisfactory way; - to conclude or bring something to an end;
10. to sell off something/to sell something off Meaning: - to sell something cheaply in order to get rid of them or because you need the money - to get rid of remaining or unsold items by selling them at especially low prices - to sell all or part of an industry or company
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